Step-by-step guide for minting tBTC.

4 min readJul 13, 2020


Hello folks! As you may know, Keep Network is about to announce a new program for testing tBTC dApp with the 250 000 KEEP pool in rewards. Each 1 TBTC will be exchanged to 200 KEEPs.

This is step-by-step tutorial for newcomers to mint their first TBTC. You don’t have to run nodes to do this.

Here and further:
tBTC = dApp platform for minting TBTC
TBTC = ERC-20 token you wish to mint
Testnet BTC = testnet Bitcoin tokens

First, we need Google Chrome with the MetaMask extension installed.

Step 1. Creating ETH wallet, import wallet to MetaMask, get testnet Ether

  1. Go to and create a wallet. For wallet creation use “By Keystore File” and type a password. Download Keystore File and remember the password for later use.

2. Open MetaMask and go to import account section in the menu. Choose import via JSON file. Select downloaded Keystore File from the previous step. Rename your account if you wish. Make sure you’ve selected a Ropsten Test Network for default transactions.

3. Go to, paste your wallet address and click “Send me test Ether”. If the faucet doesn’t work for some reason and you haven’t received ETH, just try another one: You should see deposited test ETH in MetaMask.

Step 2. Creating BTC wallet, get testnet Bitcoins

  1. Go to and register an account. Enter confirmation code from email. Skip pricing page to use free plan. Enter and remember your PIN and Mnemonic. Choose Bitcoin in Testnet’s. Here you will see your testnet Bitcoin wallet address.

2. Use to get your testnet Bitcoins. Fill the fields with your testnet Bitcoin wallet address and 0.01 amount (do it twice, you need at least 0.011 for the first time including commissions), click “send”.

3. Once you’ve did it, you could see a pending transaction in your wallet. You need to wait some time (about 30 min), when network will get confirmations and pending transaction will be transferred to balance of your wallet.

Step 3. Start minting TBTC

  1. Open site. Click on “Deposit”, then click “Connect to Wallet”, choose MetaMask. Once the wallet is connected, click “Begin now”. You need to confirm two MetaMask transactions to Initiate a deposit. If all is done right, site will generate you a BTC wallet address for making a deposit.

2. Get back to and choose send button on your wallet. Fill out the fields with generated on tBtc website wallet address, amount and your PIN, click to send. This may take a while. Wait once your deposit will be confirmed.

3. When you see your transaction on is confirmed, you may want to refresh tBtc website and make further steps. Please accept all transactions and allow contract interactions. When all is done you will get “Complete” message with the TDT ID info.

Open MetaMask and click menu to view your wallet on Etherscan — you will see your first minted TBTC token. Congratulations, you did it!

If you’re also looking how to run nodes and participate in Playing for Keeps, please use my guide here:

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